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<After some time with this device I think its about time to write a review. Apologies its long but I think it needs saying.
The Toniebox was purchased as a fun way for our daughter to play content and primarily to be used to help her drift off to sleep, as she struggles with this.
Top line it has its good points but currently its operational flaws outweigh the benefits and our Tonies are highly likely to left lonely on the shelf….
Attracted by its design and concept we purchased our Toniebox along with some creative Tonies to add our own content. After charging the device I found setup was straightforward with no problems encountered. Content can be easily added via the app or web portal and within a few minutes, with our creative Tonie atop the Toniebox, a test file was happily playing.
Then we tried to use the device for what it was purchased for, to listen to content, particularly audio books, and here comes the first major flaw.
The designers have chosen to limit the length of content that can be loaded to a Tonie not by file size but by a length of 90 minutes (this I have had verified by Tonies). Play length is not dependent on file size, so even if you rip audio books at minimum acceptable quality you will only ever get 90 minutes on the Tonie.
This is a bizarre way to limit the device, most of us are used to audio players being limited by memory size, so we accept that if we put high quality audio content on a device you will get less files than if you use lower quality audio. So, in my case a music CD in good quality at 148MB nearly fills the Tonie as its 89 minutes long, but so does one CD from an audio book set which is only 18MB!
To put this into some perspective, the entire audio book of Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets, read by the fabulous Stephen Fry, will cost &#163;96 in creative Tonies as there are 8 CD’s! Unless of course you want to keep logging on and changing the content every 90 minutes….. If the limitation was file size I would easily get all the book on one Tonie. This feels like profiteering to me as the memory is there to be used, you just can’t access it all the time!
It does explain why all the books you can by from Tonies are noticeably short young children’s stories, I can’t imagine anyone paying &#163;90+ per book for a Harry Potter themed series of Tonies!!
OK I thought, lets try the whole sleep thing…..oh dear, here comes flaw no.2, it beeps loudly at the end of playback – why? How many other audio players through history do you know that beep when they’ve finished playing? No record, tape, CD, mini disc (other technologies are available) or digital audio players I’ve ever owned have done this..…its just bizarre!
What it does mean is that you can’t use the Tonie box to help a light sleeper get to sleep. They just nod off and 90 minutes later, don’t forget it can only play 90 minutes content, it beeps a few times and wakes her up! Pointless…

So in summary, it’s a nice idea but the implementation needs much work. I fear this may become just another device on the shelf as we hunt down something a) cheaper and b) more effective to do the job that this Toniebox should have been able to do.
To be honest I think we could have saved ourselves a whole heap of cash and just used an old iphone……>

selectin © (08.11.2020 Âñ 17:00)

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